Posted by: Third Tone Devil | 3 March 2012

Will Chinese nationalists support Scottish independence?

Four years ago, online Chinese nationalists promised they would come to the London Olympics with slogans supporting Scottish independence in retaliation for the “Free Tibet” demonstrators who protested against the Peking Olympcs.

Now Scotland is poised to hold a referendum on independence, and there are massive anti-government demonstrations in London. I am curious to see whether Chinese students will in fact show up at the Olympics with Free Scotland slogans!


  1. Will this apply to Québec against Canada?
    In Chinese, the phonetic translations of Québec and Canada are almost synonyms, but in fact they are antonyms!

    Québec, 魁北克, is the leader from the north that will succeed, while Canada, 加拿大 is the biggest conqueror!

  2. My guess is only if Canada does something to anger Chinese nationalists, which they have not tended to. A visit by the Dalai Lama would help.

    As for romanizations of place names, they tend to use rather highfalutin characters regardless of whether one is supposed to like the country or not. Even during the harshest anti-American period under Mao, the U.S. stayed 美国, i.e. “beautiful country.”

    • But then 美国 is very old, whereas Québec, 魁北克 and Canada, 加拿大 are quite recent!

      魁北克 in 1977 when when René Lévesque, our soverainiste prime minister, went to China after his election. Shows how well Canada represents Québec on tte international sean!

      China was a little shy and created our chinese name real fast! ;))))

  3. The Canadian prime minister has met the dalaï lama privately several times during his visits here.

    I am not too sure that I would want the dalaï lama’s theocracy. I think younger Tibetans want a more modern form of sovereignty.

    Selon le Bloc, le dalaï lama a cité les référendums au Québec en exemple

    PC | Par La Presse Canadienne , 30/04/2012

    Le chef spirituel tibétain, qui est considéré comme un dangereux séparatiste par le gouvernement chinois — mais un citoyen d’honneur au Canada —, a apparemment donné son appui conditionnel à l’indépendance du Québec.

  4. English version,

    Dalai Lama sees Canada accepting Quebec independence
    Peaceful Quebec referendums show how Canada could push China to accept Tibetan autonomy

    The Canadian Press, Apr 30, 2012

    The Tibetan spiritual leader who is considered a dangerous separatist by the Chinese government in Beijing — but an honorary citizen in Canada — has apparently given his conditional blessing to Quebec independence.

  5. I see. Interesting, thought, that I have not come across any particular anti-Canada statements in China or on the Chinese internet. The Canadian government must be managing its affairs well. Though apparently the disgraced Bo Xilai was one of the main friends of Canada in the Chinese leadership.

    • China needs Canada’s natural ressources! But Canada is just a small player compared to the USA and Europe.

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